Earthing Modelling & Design

Ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical power distribution systems is vital in current industries. Even momentary power outages or equipment faults can cause significant financial losses and, more importantly, put human lives at risk. At Engineering Power Solutions (EPS), we provide tailored earthing design services to customers in a range of industries and power generation sectors, identifying areas of electrical risk, protecting critical assets, and improving health and safety.

Our Approach

Our processes are built around your requirements and schedules. Collaborating with you every step of the way, EPS’s earthing experts regularly provide in-depth technical reports and live project updates. With a tailored approach, our solutions can include a variety of interrelated studies, calculations, and analyses. The result is an electrical earthing system designed around the needs of your application, mitigating electrical hazards and ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment.

EPS leverages industry-leading software such as Current Distribution, Electromagnetic, Grounding, and Soil (CDEGS) analysis and Finite Element Analysis (FES). Through these tools, we follow a robust and flexible earthing system design process that can accommodate any electrical safety requirement.

Electrical Earthing Design Software
An EPS design consultant conducting a soil resistivity test for an Earthing Project.

Electrical Earthing Design Standards & Codes of Practice

Our earthing design systems comply with UK and international design standards and best practices for electrical safety.

  • BS EN 50522: Earthing of power installations exceeding 1 kV ac.
  • IEEE Standard 80-81: Safety in AC Substation Grounding.
  • BS 7340: Code of Practice for Protective Earthing of Electrical Installations.
  • ENA TS 41–24: Guidelines for the design, installation, testing, and maintenance of main earthing systems in substations.
  • BS EN 50122: Railway applications Electrical safety, earthing, and the return circuit.
  • EA Engineering Recommendation S34: ‘A Guide for Assessing the Rise of Earth Potential at Substation Sites’.
  • EA Engineering Recommendation S36: Procedure to identify and record “hot’ substations.
  • IEC 479-1: Effects of Current on Human Beings and Livestock.
  • ISIS Practice EPT/PPS/B014: Working Practices at Electricity Stations.
Learn More

Earthing Design Services

  • Electrical Earthing System Design
  • Fault Current Distribution Modelling
  • Stray Current Studies
  • Identification of Surface Voltages (‘Hot Zones’)
  • Rise of Earth Potential (ROEP) Studies
  • Interference Studies
  • Earthing Policy Formulation
  • CAD Drawings of Earthing Layouts
  • Onsite Surveys and Assessments
  • Onsite FOP Measurements
  • Touch and Step Voltage Safety Calculations
  • Earth Potential Rise (EPR)
  • Soil Resistivity Testing
  • Soil modelling and Analysis
  • Fault Current Distribution
  • Post-construction Audits

The "Black Art" of Earthing Design

Unravel the complexities surrounding the earthing design of electrical systems and gain valuable insights for improving project safety and efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • Critical Design Parameters
  • Electrical Infrastructure Considerations
  • Essential Guidelines and Standards

Grab your free copy here

Soil Resistivity Testing

Soil resistivity testing is a method of determining the electrical impedance of soil, by measuring how soil depth impacts the design of electrical earthing systems. Flaws in the soil resistivity testing process can undermine the quality and compliance of the entire earthing design. Therefore, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your earthing system, our electrical consultants use best-in-class soil resistivity instruments for precise results on all ground types.

Read more on how soil resistivity testing works and gain more insight into its importance.


Earth Potential Rise (EPR)

EPR occurs when a significant amount of electrical energy flows into the ground. While natural events such as lightning strikes can cause earth potential rise, avoidable issues like substations can also trigger these events.

Learn more about why it’s crucial not to overlook EPR studies when designing electrical systems connected to the ground.

Why choose EPS?

Our team of CDEGs-trained research engineers and earthing consultants have over 11 years of experience delivering earthing design solutions to the highest UK, IEC, IEEE, and international electrical safety standards.